Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns

Monday, September 07, 2009

how great are dryers?

I can't think of any country I've ever been to where the locals didn't dry their clothes by hanging them outside. Americans are notorious for using the energy-wasting, and highly unnecessary machine dryers to dry clothes. I think about saving energy and preserving the environment as much as the next guy. I've even started limiting myself to 5-min showers everyday (due to California's drought situation). But as much as I know I should give up this one American luxury, I really don't want to. One of the best things in life is the feel of warm sheets fresh from the dryer. I love how I don't have to iron my clothes because all I have to do is hang them right after they dry. I love that my jeans shrink back to normal size after I've stretched them out just by wearing them. I love the smell of dryer-clean clothes, not the smell of hang-dried clothes with a hint of grass, wet dog, or motor oil.

I've dried clothes before using the primitive (and environmentally friendly) way in the Philippines, Thailand, Spain, and yes...even Australia. I wish I could do more to help the environment, but dryers would definitely be last thing I would give up.

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